Cass County GOP Family Day- Bloom Where You are planted
Bring your family to meet ours. This is just a day to get together outside of the meeting room with a little fun at the pumpkin patch. It is important to be a community of people and this is a perfect opportunity to support local business, have fun with our families, and get to know […]
Nebraska’s Candidate for Governor Town Hall Debate- Hosted and Organized by Cass County GOP
TIME TO GET OFF THE BENCH AND FILL THIS ROOM. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS YOU WANT ANSWERED THIS IS THE PLACE TO HAVE THAT REAL AND RAW CONVERSATION WITH OUR CANDIDATES. Cass County GOP is honored to provide this conversation platform for the highest position of leadership in Nebraska, GOVERNOR. The guests of honor include […]
November 18 Monthly Meeting- Cass County Extension Office- 7pm
You are invited to our monthly meeting for the Cass County GOP. Get in the Game...for your families, your community, your state, and your country! We look forward to seeing you there.
December 16 Meeting
Join us this week for our monthly Cass GOP Meeting, Thursday 16 Dec 2021 I will try and share live on the Facebook group as well! 7PM Cass County Extension Office
Cass County CONVENTION 2022
Cass County Republican Party 2022 County Convention to be held on Thursday, March 17 at 7:30 pm at the County Extension Office (8400 144th St, Weeping Water). “We consider it not only an honor and a privilege to be involved in the workings and influence of our government, but a responsibility,” Zeorian said. “This generation […]